Wednesday, October 14, 2009

brand new eyes

yeah, its paramore's new album title.
but not what exactly what im saying now

my right eye bergerak, kelopak mata bergetar, mcm nak menangis tu.
i read in the Net, orang tua tua cakap, im going to meet someone that live far far away, or someone i havent met long. i donno who, but adam is coming home this 31st.
and ada juga cakap ada somthing good and unexpected will happened, mcm dpt duit ke.
hahah i donno. very hope!

other scientific explaination is im stress, tension, mcm tu la. i donno probably

well whatever the reasons are, memang tgh tension sebab mata kacau nak buat kerja.
mcm kena tidur saja .hahaha

well..lets see what's coming


Unknown said...

dapat juta juta duit :p

Unknown said...

ehh takkkkk dapat plane kaler merah :p